catchment area - definizione. Che cos'è catchment area
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Cosa (chi) è catchment area - definizione

School catchment area; Airport catchment area; Catchment area (human); Attendance zone; School catchment; Catchment area (human geography); School redistricting

catchment area         
(also catchment)
¦ noun
1. the area from which a hospital's patients or a school's pupils are drawn.
2. the area from which rainfall flows into a river, lake, or reservoir.
catchment area         
(catchment areas)
The catchment area of a school, hospital, or other service is the area that it serves. (BRIT)
...the catchment areas of the district general hospitals.
N-COUNT: oft N of n
In geography, the catchment area of a river is the area of land from which water flows into the river. (TECHNICAL)
Catchment area         
In human geography, a catchment area is the area from which a location, such as a city, service or institution, attracts a population that uses its services and economic opportunities. Catchment areas may be defined based on from where people are naturally drawn to a location (for example, labour catchment area) or as established by governments or organizations for the provision of services.


Catchment area

In human geography, a catchment area is the area from which a location, such as a city, service or institution, attracts a population that uses its services and economic opportunities. Catchment areas may be defined based on from where people are naturally drawn to a location (for example, labour catchment area) or as established by governments or organizations for the provision of services.

Governments and community service organizations often define catchment areas for planning purposes and public safety such as ensuring universal access to services like fire departments, police departments, ambulance bases and hospitals. In business, a catchment area is used to describe the influence from which a retail location draws its customers. Airport catchment areas can inform efforts to estimate route profitability.

Esempi di pronuncia per catchment area
1. It's where the water catchment area was.
Out of the Mountains - The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla _ David Kilcullen _ Talks at Google
2. And, because the whole catchment area
Victoria Sweet _ Talks at Google
3. and they serve a catchment area far greater
Esempi dal corpus di testo per catchment area
1. Schools? move to within the catchment area of the best.
2. We are also just outside the catchment area for two other fairly good state schools.
3. No, he barely sees them – and only around 5% of those in his catchment area.
4. Admissions will be according to catchment area and there will be no selection, he says.
5. If a relative lives in the catchment area, pretend the child lives there too.